Anti-ProtoZole is an anti-protozoal used to treat everything from parasites to bacterial infections. This is a common medication that actually helps to increase good gut flora as a positive side effect while helping to eliminate protozoa and coccidia. When treating reptiles, 100mg/mL is the recommended strength and they only need 1 or 2 doses of .1cc per 100g of body weight given every 3 days.
This treatment is very effective for babies that suddenly stop eating and refuse food for a week or more. Always be sure babies are well hydrated before giving any medications.
The Anti-ProtoZole Treatment includes the following
3cc, 6cc, or 15cc Anti-ProtoZole Treatment Liquid
1cc Oral Dosing Syringe
Printed Dosing Instructions
Optional Flavoring & Mixing Bottles also available
Information for Treating Protozoal Infections for Reptile Owners
Many vets will prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic such as metronidazole with a dosage of 50mg, 100mg, or 150mg per kilogram to treat protozoal infections in reptiles . It is safe when used properly and is known to help stimulate appetites, but has different dosage amounts depending on the treatment.
If you can get a strength of 10% or 100mg per mL, it will be easier to calculate dosage.
Common dosage is 50mg/kg to 100mg/kg for protozoal infections. Give 1 dose, wait 3 days, give 2nd dose if necessary or as directed by your vet.
Fluid intake should be 2mL to 5mL per kg of body weight per day if a reptile is on any antibiotic medication.
This type of substance is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream when taken orally and is a concentration dependent. It reaches high concentrations in humans within an hour and has a half life of about 8 hours, this can be 3 to 4 times longer in ectotherms. This kind of antibiotic distributes itself throughout the body in all the body's water and penetrates effectively from the bloodstream into the body's tissues. It is mostly metabolized by the liver, but also shows up in the feces and urine. Dosages in reptiles can range from 20-50 mg/kg to 100-150 mg/kg depending on the treatment. Extreme care should be taken when using this drug in higher doses, Sometimes toxicity can result in neurologic disorders and liver damage. It is essential that reptiles reach optimum body temperature when given any medication, as sub optimal temperatures can result in drug overdose. Always prime warm reptiles with warmed fluids or diluted electrolytes before giving such medications.
Additional Information
These types of antibiotics are used in animals to treat bacterial infections caused by anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that do not live in the presence of oxygen). While they are very effective against most anaerobic bacteria, even antibiotics such as metronidazole have no activity against aerobic bacteria (bacteria that require oxygen). Many infections are caused by a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In these types of cases, antibiotics such as metronidazole are commonly given with other antibiotics that have activity against the aerobic bacteria. It also is used to treat infections caused by an intestinal protozoal parasite called Giardia.
Like many other drugs in veterinary medicine, these types of antibiotics are not FDA approved for use in many animals, including reptiles and is not available from a veterinary pharmaceutical manufacturer; however, it may be compounded by a vet or pharmacy. There is also a form of metronidazole marketed without a prescription that is labeled for aquarium use. It is most commonly is used in reptiles to treat infections caused by anaerobic bacteria or protozoa, and is considered accepted practice in exotic veterinary medicine.
There are absolutely no medications on the market, prescription or over the counter, that are actually FDA approved and labeled for use with any reptile. Any vet that prescribes or recommends a specific drug or treatment for your reptile is relying on their own experience or recommendations from other vets for proper extra label use of that drug. Be sure your vet is familiar with reptiles before trusting any advice given.